Oh my…

We are having one of those mornings that I always wondered how parents handle. Lydia has been vomiting this morning…twice in the hotel room, at breakfast in a restaurant and in the hotel lobby. She has been sick with congestion, so we are hoping that it is because of that and not a full-blown flu. We would appreciate your prayers for Lydia and also that the rest of us would not get it. Also, that Lydia will make it through the plane ride. Oh the adventures!

11 thoughts on “Oh my…

  1. I read this and thought “Test of fire” so early on… It seems you are getting blasted, with some pretty heavy parenting nightmares really early in your story! Having raised 4 children, which included cleaning up vomit in some very uncomfortable situations, while trying to comfort and calm a sick baby, I know it is truly awful! The fact that you’re doing this with such young ones and trying to juggle that language barrier is really impressive. Hang in there; one day you will tell your appreciative daughters this tale. If there is one thing children love it’s to hear stories of their younger years. But meanwhile, today, you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Poor Lydia! We’ll be praying for you guys and especially for her so that she could recover soon. The pictures are just lovely! We (Marietta, Antonio and I) were with your parents when they got the e-mail with the names and let me tell you, their faces expressed a joy and peace that only the Lord could give them. All of you make a great family and we are looking forward to meeting the Lydia and Rose soon. My (this is Israel) favorite picture is the ones in which the girls are wearing the sunglasses, they look like tons of fun! See you soon and God bless you all!

  3. Oh My!!! One of the surprises, of parenting. Check Lydia’s temperature. If she don’t have a fever, than for now, let her take little sips of Room Temperature Gingerale, every 15 minutes. Then if she don’t get sick to the stomach, anymore, let her eat some Saltine Crackers. But if she has a Fever, then she has some type of virus. You said congestion, Chest or Head? If Chest get Children’s Robitussin for Chest Congestion, have her take that, or if Head Congestion, get Nasal Spray, for Sinuses. Plus Childrens Tylenol. Hopefully, it is because, of all the excitement, and getting on a plane for the first time. Hope all goes well during your travels today. Will thinking about all of you. Hang In There!!! Love Your Mom

  4. 4 barfs should last her a season! It may also be the excitement and changes–even good changes can cause stomach upsets. We will pray for quick relief and that no one else starts.

  5. Just jumping right in…that’s the way to do it! Sounds like you are keeping a good attitude about things. Thinking of you guys and praying that Lydia feels better very soon and that you all keep healthy as well.

  6. Oh! We will pray for her; even after years of parenting, throwing up always surprises you! ;o) Love you & praying she feels well soon & it isn’t a contagious sickness. xoxo

  7. We are home! It was SO good to see you and are so excited for you! Thanks for making it work to see us. We love the names and their meanings, and have really enjoyed the pictures. The girls are precious! Sorry to hear about Lydia ~ praying it is brief!! Hugs and much love to all of you.

  8. Praying that Lydia is feeling better soon! Good thing God has been equipping you both with patience! I know you’re doing a great job caring for and comforting your daughters. Praying for your upcoming flight!

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