The Big City

Well, it is late again and I am afraid that I am too tired for pictures, etc. The girls slept in this morning because we got in so late last night so our whole schedule has been off today. We didn’t get them down until 10:30 p.m. We are going to wake them up earlier tomorrow and try to get adjusted more before the big trip on Saturday. We had a good day in Moscow. This hotel room is very nice, but very small so it was challenging with the girls. We went for three big walks throughout the day. We had lots of laughs and fun moments today. A couple times, Brett and I were laughing so hard that we were crying. One time was at lunch. We went out for lunch to a chain cafe. No one really spoke English well but we thought that our waiter understood our order. Almost 45 minutes to one hour later we had only received a part of our order and we were still missing the girls’ chicken soups, drinks for Brett and I and my pasta. So we just asked for our ticket. When we received it, they had charged us for everything even though we had not received several items.  Brett went to the counter to dispute the ticket and I got the girls coats on and Nora in the stroller ready to go. Brett was across the restaurant and I guess he just got the waiter to take the soups off of our bill, when the soups went past him to our table. The girls got so excited and before I knew it they were both sitting down trying to eat their soups. As I managed both of them getting bibs, etc. back on, Brett came over. We both started laughing out of the wreck of it all.  What else can you do?  It probably doesn’t sound that funny, but in the moment we were living out all the chaos of (A) eating out with toddlers and (B) trying to eat out in a foreign country.

Anyway,  Lydia is eating much better and overall seems to be feeling a lot better. We got OTC medicine for her a couple days ago. She is still very stuffy, etc. but doing better. Tonight we went to the supermarket and got items for dinner. We had the deli heat up potatoes, a cornish hen and then we got a beet salad, grapes, bread, etc. We ate back in the hotel room and the girls did great!

Our hotel has a glass elevator so the highlight of the day for the girls was riding in that!  I think they will learn the words “down” and “up” pretty fast.

Tomorrow is our embassy appointment. Our last paperwork hurdle. Please pray that all goes well and also that we can keep the girls entertained/contained while waiting. The more comfortable they get with us, the more they test boundaries. They are keeping us on our toes!

We are so in love though and delight in all of their Russian chatter, various expressions, laughs and huge smiles.

9 thoughts on “The Big City

  1. So ,So, Funny!! You know why? That happens in The Good Ole USA too!!! Well at least everyone finally go their bellies full. Can’t wait to hear some more funny stories, and adventures. Thinking about All Four Of You Constantly. I think This Mom, will be relieved, when all of you are back on American Soil. Sleep Tight! Love You Mom

  2. Sounds like many blessings every day. And those will continue throughout your lives! God Bless and Safe Travels!!

  3. Oh my goodness – we’ve been at the Ozarks and I’ve been following your posts but unable to comment (my phone won’t allow it OR I don’t know how to do it!) But Amanda and Brett – they are BEAUTIFUL!!!!! And I LOVE their names! Each post I smile and thank God one more time for the miracle of the Lessley Family!!! Can’t wait to meet them face to face and to see you all together…the way God intended!! Love you all so much!!

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